In with the new mindset.
So, here I am on the cusp of the thing that I have wanted most from the time I turned 16.
That one word means so much to me. To me it is the center of what I want my life to be. To be blessed with the gift of children. To raise and love the next generation.
But, I will admit it is one of the things I fear most. Personal demons keep me paralyzed and waiting. What if I'm a bad mom, what if I can't conceive, what if there isn't the money for baby...
However, personal demons aside, my husband and I have come to the conclusion that it is time to start this new chapter in our lives together. We have been preparing for the last year; finances, better job, buying a new house, vitamins, exercise, trying to lose weight and get healthy. We have checked all the boxes we really wanted to off and now we are believe we maybe ready to take the irreversible leap.
We are now trying to conceive.