Friday, July 26, 2013

Five Minute Friday: Broken

Five Minute Friday

"No extreme editing; no worrying about perfect grammar, font, or punctuation. 
Unscripted. Unedited. Real."

Prompt Word: Broken

Our collective outlook on women’s healthy bodies is broken. 

We see the size zero models and berate ourselves for not looking like them. They are held up as an impossible ideal. Tv and movie stars don’t make things any easier. 

As a society we fat shame and slut shame. We brake down others to make sure that we  propitiate self hate and the commercial ideal of beauty. All this so women will feel insecure and try to buy their beauty.

But the broken thing is we can’t buy beauty, you have to own it. You have to have confidence in your body and looks, something that is hard to do when all of society is trying to tell you that your not “pretty” enough, “small” enough, “fit” enough. 

It is time we take back the ideal. 

It’s time we tell each other that we are beautiful because we are. Each in our own unique way that we each need to own our beauty and show it to the world. We need to build each other up, take the compliments, and start the healing.

Yes, we are broken. But, we can fix this one positive thought and confident example at a time.