About the Blog

Graceful Pathways is a personal memoir, mommy, and lifestyle blog where I write about creating a home, being healthy, and having a family along with anything else that I think is currently interesting.

As a new housewife I was overwhelmed with the responsibility I felt to keep my house in order and clean. I also felt it was up to me to find and include in our life routines and  traditions that would make things meaningful and bond us together as a family. And to top it off that it was up to me to find ways to make our house a warm and inviting home without being cluttered. Learning how to cope with these feelings of responsibility and finding ways to fulfill them that makes me happy is an ongoing journey that I feels needs to be shared and explored with others, hopefully my readers agree and can find useful gems of their own from my writings.

Being Healthy is part of being happy for me. Staying healthy naturally is a big part of my life. I am constantly reading and learning more about ways to support my immune system and boost it when I am feeling a little low. Having fought with Seasonal Affect Disorder and Adrenal Fatigue I have a little insight into how our bodies react to different medical approaches. The best approach for me so far is very natural including light exposure, sleep and rest patterns, food, fitness, herbal and vitamin support.

Family has always been important to me. The connections we form with those closest to us, the feelings these relationships can cause, and the balance of self verses family. Becoming a parent these things have taken on even more interest as I want to support and help my children grow into calm confident individuals.

I've struggled as a housewife to provide food in our home that is not only tasty but ecologically conscious. I love the idea of real food and have tried to move to a more primal/paleo/gluten free diet.  I'm now buying local grass-feed near organic beef as one of our main staples. I also try to keep all of our other staples fresh, local, and organic where I can without breaking the bank on groceries. 

I have struggled with being fit since high school. It is an on going battle to find things that are active that I like to do on a regular basis. With this struggle has come the added struggle to keep off the ever encroaching weight gain. Knowing that I am going to be roll modeling for my child I want to show her a happy active mommy so figuring out this struggle has become a priority in my life right now.

Style is a passion of mine. I love interior design shows and fashion. There is nothing about these topics that doesn't capture my interest. Organizing, minimizing, repurposing things ... they all call my name and make me happy when I can apply them to my life. I adore modern eclectic elegant interiors with contemporary, minimal, and sophisticated touches. This follows through into my dream wardrobe and fashion tastes. I am in love the idea of a simple, travel ready, minimal, classically chic wardrobe with a modern feminine twist.