Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Five Minute Friday: View

Five Minute Friday

"No extreme editing; no worrying about perfect grammar, font, or punctuation. 
Unscripted. Unedited. Real."

(Sorry, for the delay this week but there was a new addition to our family)
Prompt Word: View

It’s amazing to me how in a few short days motherhood has changed my out look. 
Life is no longer about me. Friends and even Family can be put on hold when this little girl has some thing she needs. 
She has become the center of my world, one of the only things I can see. 

My view of the world has come to encompass my little bundle of joy, her daddy, and myself. 
We are a new little family. 
We care for each other and together we are figuring out our new normal. Some moments are full of happiness and joy, others I’d rather be anywhere but listening to this dear one scream over something I can’t quite get figured out.
She has already brought me so high, her birth being something I have looked forward to for almost ten years. 
Every little smile, sigh, and hand held brings me joy. 

She has also brought me so low reminding me that I am not always going to be able to have things the way I want them.
Particularly, if I am going to meet the needs of someone else. 
Every fussy period, cry, and tomato red screaming face makes me feel sad and upset.

This little ray of sunshine has a few storm clouds surrounding her, but I would not trade one minute I’ve had. 
Looking just like her daddy in almost every way this little girl with my nose has changed my life 
and I can’t wait to continue to enjoy the new view.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Five Minute Friday: Song

Five Minute Friday

"No extreme editing; no worrying about perfect grammar, font, or punctuation. 
Unscripted. Unedited. Real."

Prompt Word: Song

The sound of uplifted voice and instrument together. Such an anchor to the pacing of my day. Sounds that guide, heal, and remind. The joy that reaches my heart and brings a smile to my face.

Today has been a day of expectant waiting.Listening to tune after tune as I wait for my little one to decide when to arrive. I clean and organize while soft sweet music accompanies my steps. These rhythms fill my life. Just as new physical and emotional rhythms soon will. 

The discovery of new sounds to improve or enhance my moods is one of constant enjoyment, one I hope to soon share with this little one who will be entering my life and bring me so many new opportunities to explore so many new things.

I must remember to sing in my heart for the time is near for this phase of life I have waited so long for, letting joy ring out from me as I welcome this baby, letting my song be happy and heard by all so that they may share and sing along.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Five Minute Friday: Comfort

Five Minute Friday

"No extreme editing; no worrying about perfect grammar, font, or punctuation. 
Unscripted. Unedited. Real."

Prompt Word: Comfort

Calling and knowing he will pick up the phone. Knowing he will be there when I need him. Him holding me in his strong capable arms when trouble arises and I need to cry before putting myself back together to do battle. His strength lays in his ability to see me fall apart and put myself back together a million times in a moment and never judge me weak or incapable.

 His hand holding mine, conveying that he is there for me whatever I need. His smile reassuring me that things will be okay no matter what because he is there. The tender way he rubs my feet to make things tolerable and me comfortable about having to lay down give up some of my personal power and wait for others to make decisions.The way his head and hands rest on our child as we wait and wait and wait for the doctors to give us a verdict as to my health and baby’s. The kisses on my hands and temple to remind me he cares beyond words for me and this little family we will become.

The fierce knight he becomes when he knows I am being pushed beyond my limits. The moments I see that he cares on such a deep level and truly is willing to fight every battle I need him too, even if I never call him to action. His ability to support me simply by being near me. No word necessary, a touch, a look, a kiss, a comfort as we stand together is all of this. 

Love, without boundaries.

My dear and wonderful husband.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Five Minute Friday: Brave

Five Minute Friday

"No extreme editing; no worrying about perfect grammar, font, or punctuation. 
Unscripted. Unedited. Real."

Prompt Word: Brave

Such a short word for such a big concept. 

We are all brave in our own small ways. Each of us uses the courage we have to face doing things during our days and over the course of our lives that we do not believe we can over come until we do them.

We are unable to see our strength until it is tested. Sometimes over and over again. We don’t give ourselves credit for being able to continue, to keep doing, for just being who we are. 

We sit without giving our selves credit for all that we do and all that we face because to us each day is ordinary and we get through it, nothing to get excited about, nothing too special, no reason to celebrate. 

Yet each day is special. Each task is important. Each triumph should be celebrated. 

You are brave, because you keep doing, going, being with courage. 

And sometimes the we are the most brave when we reach out and ask for the help of others, because that my friend takes true courage. Admitting that we are weak and need help is the hardest task, because we can be rejected or ignored. Which can leave us feeling even weaker than before we asked for help. But, if you need help keep asking ... keep being brave, someone will help.