Friday, May 17, 2013

Five Minute Friday: Song

Five Minute Friday

"No extreme editing; no worrying about perfect grammar, font, or punctuation. 
Unscripted. Unedited. Real."

Prompt Word: Song

The sound of uplifted voice and instrument together. Such an anchor to the pacing of my day. Sounds that guide, heal, and remind. The joy that reaches my heart and brings a smile to my face.

Today has been a day of expectant waiting.Listening to tune after tune as I wait for my little one to decide when to arrive. I clean and organize while soft sweet music accompanies my steps. These rhythms fill my life. Just as new physical and emotional rhythms soon will. 

The discovery of new sounds to improve or enhance my moods is one of constant enjoyment, one I hope to soon share with this little one who will be entering my life and bring me so many new opportunities to explore so many new things.

I must remember to sing in my heart for the time is near for this phase of life I have waited so long for, letting joy ring out from me as I welcome this baby, letting my song be happy and heard by all so that they may share and sing along.


  1. wow. what a beautiful expression of the gift of life & motherhood. I'm glad I stopped by from Five Minute Friday :)

  2. A beautiful song to sing to your baby in waiting. Bless you!
