Friday, January 11, 2013

New Year, New Life

Oh my, so much has happened since I last updated... lets see if I can catch everyone up quickly with this post and then try to be more regular in posting new content shall we?

The last time I updated content here at Graceful Pathways we were just starting our parenthood journey and we were unsure where it would take us or how long the trip would be.

We got very lucky was our answer.
On our first try in August of 2012 we conceived our first little one. 
However, we were unsure until late September that we had been successful. 

We then contacted our local midwifery group and a doula who had been recommended to us to get on their schedules. Our first appointment was made with the midwifes on October 2, 2012. 

The appointment went well and we were scheduled for our dating ultrasound on our 2nd anniversary, October 10, 2012. 
This was the day that we got to find out that we could expect our first little one around
May 18, 2013.

Hearing that first fetal heartbeat and seeing that tiny being moving around in my tummy was the most moving moment I have ever experienced. Until that moment life was all about me, my hopes, my dreams, my life. Now without question I was living and sustaining myself for another being. Seeing that tiny person inside me changed me and my outlook on life. It changed the way I saw my husband, our house, our animals, our life. We had truly created life. It was an amazing evening realizing we were truly on the road to becoming parents.

In November and December we had our normally scheduled monthly appointments with the midwives. I asked questions, got answers, got to hear the heartbeat on the doppler and enjoyed watching my belly grow.

In January we had our monthly appointment and our first anatomy ultrasound. The ultrasound was on January 2, 2013. This was the first time we got a sneak peek at the little ones personality. Baby is stubborn! The baby curled up tight in the upper right corner of my uterus and refused to move no matter what tricks the tech tried. This ment that although we got to know the sex of our baby we would have to come back to finish the scan with another ultrasound, hopefully on a day when baby will be in a better mood.

During our monthly appointment this month, with the information we did get from the scan, we learned many things. First of all my body has grown a very large uterus, it looks to be very healthy with plenty of extra room for our big baby. You see baby is in the 88th percentile for growth and is measuring about a week ahead of it's due date peers. So far that means a big, happy, and most likely healthy baby!

This month was also the month that we decided it was time to register for all that crazy baby stuff. There was an amazing variety of items on offer and tons of decisions to be made. Doing this and making these choices definitely made us feel like parents. 

Currently our plan is to breastfeed and cloth diaper, which helped us cut down on some of the items people seem to think that a baby will need.  

Also starting this month I joined a mommy group put on by our doula. I had a wonderful time meeting other new mommies and babies. I made me excited to get to meet my own little one in May. While things were a little awkward to start with it is to be expected with it being a brand new group. And without question there is tons of potential for some long term friendships. 

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