Friday, May 3, 2013

Five Minute Friday: Brave

Five Minute Friday

"No extreme editing; no worrying about perfect grammar, font, or punctuation. 
Unscripted. Unedited. Real."

Prompt Word: Brave

Such a short word for such a big concept. 

We are all brave in our own small ways. Each of us uses the courage we have to face doing things during our days and over the course of our lives that we do not believe we can over come until we do them.

We are unable to see our strength until it is tested. Sometimes over and over again. We don’t give ourselves credit for being able to continue, to keep doing, for just being who we are. 

We sit without giving our selves credit for all that we do and all that we face because to us each day is ordinary and we get through it, nothing to get excited about, nothing too special, no reason to celebrate. 

Yet each day is special. Each task is important. Each triumph should be celebrated. 

You are brave, because you keep doing, going, being with courage. 

And sometimes the we are the most brave when we reach out and ask for the help of others, because that my friend takes true courage. Admitting that we are weak and need help is the hardest task, because we can be rejected or ignored. Which can leave us feeling even weaker than before we asked for help. But, if you need help keep asking ... keep being brave, someone will help.


  1. Powerful! I was challenged and reminded of being brave.

  2. I'm so late in visiting the 5MF around me!!

    I agree that sometimes being brave is asking for help!! :) Thanks for the encouragement to celebrate the little tasks and triumphs!
