Sunday, June 9, 2013

Five Minute Friday: Fall

Five Minute Friday

"No extreme editing; no worrying about perfect grammar, font, or punctuation. 
Unscripted. Unedited. Real."

Prompt Word: Fall

I didn’t know it was going to happen, I suspected but I didn’t know. 
That moment when they laid her in my arms, my heart stopped. 
And when it started again it was changed. 
Altered in a way that will never be undone. 

I felt myself fall in love. 

I’ve embraced this fall far better than I have other major events in my life.
 Maybe because I waited so long and fought so hard for this one. 

Finish high-school. Go to college. Get married. Live a little. Buy a house. 
I waited and did the things I was “suppose” to do. 

Eat right. Exercise. Lose weight. 
Become healthy. Take vitamins. Take your temperature. 
Prepare your mind, body, and soul. Prepare your marriage and husband. 
Carry life, grow life. Protect the right of that life to chose when to enter our world.

Then there she was.
 Warm, pink, live and well, with a head full of hair and skin that was oh so soft.

I fell so hard in love with my daughter that my world has taken on a new rotation,
 the stars are still spinning, and life as I knew it will never be again.


  1. Beautiful thoughts. It brought me back to when my kids were born. It seems so long ago but it is such a special, sacred time that is seared into memory. Thanks for sharing :)

  2. Lovely. Enjoyed the progression, of all the steps, the "doing it right". Had my first at 33, for a lot of the same steps. Second at 36. Glad they didn't come during the chaos of my 20's. Beautiful take on falling in love.
